Worst Photoshop Fails… EVER

This girl brings new meaning to the term ‘bootylicious’, and no we don’t think we’re ready for THIS jelly, as if we’re not mistaken, this derrière has blatantly been digitally altered. If it wasn’t enough to be able to balance a bottle of Gatorade on your trunk, this girl’s gone one step further and given herself a rump to rival that of J’Lo, or even Kim K..Photoshop
What better way to celebrate the union of two becoming one, than having a photograph created of the beautiful bride, complete with wings, caught in the terrifying grasp of a giant and desperately trying to fly away. Wait, that’s the husband? Oh, we see, it’s supposed to be romantic. Yes, this is another example of wacky Russian Wedding Photoshopping, and it certainly beats the traditional ‘cutting the cake’ shot, doesn’t it?

There’s just something not quite right about this image of a young lady having a lovely day by the sea with mega pop star Michael Jackson, but what can it be…? We can all see that this image may have been ever so slightly doctored, and we’re hoping that Michael Jackson’s ‘youthful’ appearance suggests that this image is a wonderful example of an early Photoshop fail (ie. Microsoft Paint’s ‘crop’ function). Not sure if anyone would fall for that these days…
Who thought it would be a good idea, inviting a Transformer to celebrate one of the most special moments in your life? Well this Russian couple certainly thought it would be, and in the absence of an RSVP from their friendly local Transformer, they decided to go to lengths to add one in, complete with explosion. Only in Russia…
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