20 Wacky Laws You Never Knew Existed

It Is illegal To Throw Confetti In Alabama

In Mobile, Alabama, it is against to law to throw confetti or spray silly string. So if you want to celebrate we suggest you opt for balloons.
This restriction is reportedly a safety measure as confetti can be inhaled through the nose and mouth and can result in difficulty breathing.

In Thailand It Is Illegal To Step On Money

If you ever see money on the streets of Thailand, you better not step on it. This act is illegal in that country and you can fined or even sent to jail for the act.
The people of Thailand respect their king and since his image is on Thai currency, stepping on it is similar to stepping on the king. Defacing Thai money is also considered illegal.

In Iowa, A Man With A Mustache Cannot Kiss A Woman In Public.

Reportedly it is considered illegal for a man with a mustache to kiss a woman in public in the state of Iowa. This act can get you fined or arrested although there is no explanation why.

In France, It Is Illegal To Marry A Dead Person

In France marrying a dead person is considered illegal. However in some cases permission can be granted to marry the dead, if the living person gets the approval from the Nation’s President and Justice Minister to do so.
The living spouse must provide compelling evidence that the decease intended to marry them. Without approval, the posthumous act is against the law.

In Honolulu, Hawaii It Is Illegal To Sing Loudly After Sunset

Once the sun sets in Honolulu, Hawaii, you better turn your music and your voice down; singing loudly is against the law after sunset.
This might have something to do with noise pollution, or disturbing the peace; either way, it’s best to keep quiet or prepare to face a fine.

In Canada, One Out Of Every Five Songs On The Radio Must Be Sung By A Canadian

By law 1 out of every 5 songs played on the radio must be sung by a Canadian. Cue Justin Bieber!
According to the Canadian Television and Radio Commission (CTRC) at least 35 percent of the popular music broadcasted each week must be Canadian content.
The specific percentage differs according to the type of radio station whether its a commercial, ethnic, community, campus or non-profit station.

Divorce Is Illegal In The Phillipines And The Vatican

There are only two places in the world where divorce is illegal; The Vatican and The Philippines.
The only exception in the Philippines is with respect to Muslims who are allowed by their religion to divorce in specific situations. For all others residents the law only allows for annulment of marriages.

In North Carolina Couples Must Have Sex In The Missionary Position

Carolina law states that couples must have sex in the missionary position, and with the curtains pulled.
There is no reason given for the decree of this law, nor are there any reports that couples have been fined or arrested for disobeying it. I mean if the curtains are pulled, who’s gonna know anyway?

In France It Is Illlegal To Name A Pig Napoleon

French law states that residents cannot name their pigs Napoleon. Reportedly this law came about during the time of the French Emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte.
The story is told that a a rebellious French man baptized his pig Napoleon. When the Emperor got wind of it, he created a law forbidding citizens to name pigs after him as this was considered a direct insult.

In Saudi Arabia, It Is Illegal For Women To Drive

It is hard to believe that such laws would exist in the 21st century, but in Saudi Arabia there is a ban on female drivers.
Although technically the law does not state that it is illegal for women to drive, in the country only men are issued drivers license.
Women who drive in public risk being arrested or fined by the police.
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